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Digital Media Art Minor

Digital media art combines technology and art in a creative way. Digital media artists help us visualize and understand the world in a completely digital environment. They design and create graphic content, audio-visual content and interactive web content.

Why Choose Digital Media Art?

The Real World Applications

Most jobs in today’s market require some knowledge of information technology and new media. As a digital media art minor, you will gain these skills and the technical skills to advance your own creative and artistic pursuits. Digital media art is also an excellent supplement to many majors, including communication or art history.

The City

New York City is one of the world’s greatest digital media centers. As a student at Manhattan, you will have access to the best:

  • record labels
  • local radio stations
  • museums
  • private art galleries
  • music and graphic art magazines
  • production companies
  • graphic design firms

The Network

Access to the city is one part. Access to our experienced faculty and alumni is another. Many of them have worked or currently work in the industry and have connections to companies like:

  • MTV
  • VH1
  • International Center of Photography
  • Daniel Cooney | Fine Art
  • Universal Music Group
  • NBC Sports
  • Meet a Digital Media Art Minor: Katherine Hyche
    Digital Media Art Student

    “I’m from the Los Angeles-Pasadena area originally. I didn’t know anyone in New York City, but I think leaving home was probably the best decision I’ve made. It gives you the freedom to be your own individual and figure things out for yourself without being so sheltered. You may have a rough time at first, but in the end it’s always worth it because you did it yourself and you’re not leaning on other people to get you through. You just have to commit to it.

    "A lot of my Digital Media Arts classes are three-hour labs, where you learn interactively on the computer, and then you have an assignment to complete. I took digital drawing, graphic design, and now I’m in digital photography. The Mac lab in Hayden Hall — it’s one of my favorite places. I have to be there for extended hours, but it’s nice. I come in, set up at my spot and I just work with no distraction.

    "I studied abroad at the end of sophomore year in Florence, and Dr. Savoy taught an Architecture of the City class, which was really, really cool. I’d learned a lot about that kind of art when I started as an art history major, so when I went, and I saw everything from my textbooks. It was just so much better in person, so helpful. You could be walking down an alley and turn into a random church that you had no idea was there, and you’d see this amazing artwork in front of you.

    "I also took an arts entrepreneurship and marketing class, which was interesting. The professor was a School of Business teacher, but it qualified as an arts elective class. It tied in with my major and interests in museums and nonprofit marketing. This semester, I’m writing my senior seminar thesis on how new digital technologies are affecting the art world. For instance, The Met has every piece of artwork logged in its online catalog. They actually have more online than they have in the museum! This is also the case with the Louvre, which has the second largest online library.

    "I intern at M. Patricof Creative Group, which is an advertising, public relations and consulting agency. I do a lot of social media postings, I help update the website, and sometimes I’ll send out press releases or do follow-up calls. Marsha Patricof works with fine jewelry clients, so we work on getting her pieces out to a bunch of major magazines like Harper's Bazaar and InStyle.

    "On campus, I’m part of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) student ambassador program, and I’m the liaison for fair trade. I guess you could say that CRS kind of sparked my other interests in social justice. I went on a L.O.V.E. trip to Ecuador, which was amazing. Because of that L.O.V.E. trip, recently I’ve been thinking about a potential volunteer year after I graduate, so I’ve been looking into programs like Lasallian Volunteers.”

What Will You Learn?

In the digital media art program, you will learn to:

  • Work in a hands-on Apple iMac environment
  • Use the newest Apple and Adobe professional software
  • Get critiqued and constructively critique others
  • Manage your time effectively when completing complex projects
  • Think on your feet and solve problems creatively as they arise
See the Minor Requirements

What Will You Do?

Studying digital media art prepares you for a range of creative jobs in sound, video, animation, writing or design. Some opt to manage a creative team or lead marketing efforts for businesses and nonprofits. Digital media skills are also required in more technical jobs such as designing cars, home appliances or buildings.

The digital media art program provided an essential toolkit of graphic design and digital content creation skills that are very much needed in the communication and marketing field today. Manhattan College also gave me the opportunity to meet and learn from some truly amazing and nurturing professors. These individuals helped me realize my career path and provided me with the knowledge to be successful in my current role.

Alexandra Revans ’15, marketing associate at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum