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Class of 1961 Donors


James J. Boyle ***


Patrick J. Lawler ***
Brian J. O’Hare *
William F. Parkin ***


Joseph J. Jevcak ***

Leadership Group

David C. Rosenfeld ***
Anthony E. Santelli ***

Cupola Club

Michael J. Cuddy ***
Joseph P. Donnelly ***
Thomas J. Kelly *** +
Frank A. Tomao *

Quad Club

Egidio Carbone, Jr. *** +
Daniel J. Egan ***
Roland C. Emmanuele ***

James A. Glenister ***
Edward C. Kennedy ***
Thomas J. Moore *** 

John F. O’Donnell, Jr. ***
Kenneth J. Parchinski ***
Joseph H. Spain ***
John P. St. John ***

Natale F. Tinnerino ***

1853 Society

John J. Burns ***
Patrick J. Byrne ***
Nicholas A. Felicetti ***
William P. Gallagher
Walter T. Higgins, Jr. ***
John J. McCabe ***
Joseph J. Pero ***
Daniel J. Sheehan, Jr.
John T. Sullivan ***

Jasper Oval

Richard J. Bachmann ***
William A. Barbieri ***
James P. Bohan ***
Richard P. Brimley ***
William G. Burger ***
Eugene J. Caffrey ***
Robert L. Cantwell, Sr. ***
Richard S. Caputo *
David J. Conroe
Frank Devaney ***
Ronald E. Devenuti *

Patrick J. Downes, Jr. ***
Hugh A. Egan
John E. Gearity
George B. Holland ***

Werner E. Kohler ***
John J. Maguire ***
William F. McCarthy ***
Charles J. McDermott
Joseph C. McGhee *
Louis E. Monoyios *
Joseph L. Monteith ***
W. Patrick Quast ***
Dominick P. Rappazzo **
Thomas J. Scheil
Karl O. Sommer
James W. Sweeney ***

Angelo Tomasetti, Jr. ***
Roland J. Valdes


Joseph R. Bolze
William G. Brown ***

Donald J. Davey +
Albert T. Derivan **

Thomas F. Galvin
Rev. Joseph L. Lombardi, S.J.

* = 3 or more years of consecutive giving
** = 5 or more years of consecutive giving
*** = 10 or more years of consecutive giving
Dignitary = $100,000 and more
Patron = $50,000-$99,999
Chairman = $25,000-49,999
Founder = $10,000 - $24,999
Member = $5,000 - $9,999
Lasallian Society = $2,500 - $4,999
Leadership Group = $1,500 - $2,499
Cupola Club = $1,000 - $1,499
Quad Club = $500 - $999
1853 Society = $250 - $499
Jasper Oval = $100 - $249
Supporter = $1 - $99
FT = Former Trustee
T = Trustee
TE = Trustee Emeritus
+ = Deceased