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Omega Chi Epsilon

National honor society for chemical engineering

Omega Chi Epsilon Seal

Omega Chi Epsilon, the national honor society for chemical engineering, promotes high scholarship, encourages original investigations in chemical engineering and recognizes valuable traits of character, integrity and leadership.

Membership is limited to chemical engineering juniors, seniors and graduate students. All those elected must have traits and characteristics of leadership that make them likely to succeed as professional engineers. Associate membership in Omega Chi Epsilon is offered to professors or members of the staff who have shown noteworthy achievement in chemical engineering.

The Alpha Psi chapter of Omega Chi Epsilon was established at Manhattan College in 1985.


To qualify for membership:

  • juniors must be in the top 25% of their class
  • seniors must be in the top 33% of their class
  • graduate students must have completed nine hours of chemical engineering courses


Sasidhar Varanasi, Ph.D.